- Head Office: The Head Office of the CHAPTER shall be at the Head Office of West African Postgraduate Medical College.
- Officers of the Chapter
- National Chairman and Vice President of the College.
- National Secretary
- National Treasurer
- Duties of Officers
- National Chairman and Vice-President of the College: The National Chairman and Vice President of the College shall perform duties as contained in Article 12(b) of the College Bye-laws. He shall preside at all meetings of the CHAPTER as well as that of the Executive Committee. He shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the CHAPTER and shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him by the CHAPTER.
- The Secretary: The Secretary shall perform duties as contained in Article 12(d) of the College Bye-Laws.He shall be the secretary at all meetings of the CHAPTER including that of the Executive Committee. He shall be the custodian of the minute’s record book.
- The Treasurer: The Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the CHAPTER and shall present an audited account at the Annual General Meeting of the CHAPTER.
- Executive Committee: The Executive Committee shall consist of the following:
- National Chairman and Vice- President of the College
- National Secretary
- National Treasurer
- Twelve members elected at an Annual General Meeting from among Fellows; these shall be representative of the different Faculties.
- Three other fellows elected from faculties not represented by a, b and c above to serve on the council.
- Immediate Past Chairman and Secretary.
- Duties of the Executive Committee: The Committee shall be responsible for the arrangement of the General Meeting of the CHAPTER and for the business for an on behalf of the CHAPTER.
- Amendments: These bye-laws may be amended from time to time, as necessary.
- The National Chairman and Vice-President of the College shall be the Chairman at all meetings of the CHAPTER including that of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the National Chairman and Vice-President of the College, one of the members of the Executive Committee shall be elected to preside.
- The National Secretary shall be Secretary to all meetings of the CHAPTER as well as that of the Executive Committee. In the absence of the Secretary, the National Chairman and Vice-President of the College shall appoint a suitable fellow who must be a member of the Executive Committee, to act as Secretary for that particular meeting.
- Meetings: There shall be one meeting of the CHAPTER a year at such place and time as the CHAPTER may decide. This annual meeting of the Nigeria chapter shall be held at least three months before the Annual General Meetings of the West African College of Physicians. Notices summoning such meetings shall be widely publicized and shall be advertised if possible, in the National dailies. The Executive Committee shall meet at least once a year at a place and time as the Committee may decide.
- Programme for the Annual Meeting of the Nigeria Chapter:
- Scientific Session-Guest lecturers and Symposia
- Business Meeting of the CHAPTER including Faculty activities
- Election of members of the Executive Committee when due.
- Emergency General Meetings of the Chapter: The National Chairman and Vice-President of the College shall, through the National Secretary, convene an emergency meeting of the CHAPTER within one month of a notice of such a meeting at such a place as he may determine. Such a meeting shall be convened at a request made in writing to the National Secretary by at least 30% of the fellows. Only the subject for which the meeting has been called shall be discussed.
- Quorum: For any business meeting of the Chapter, 15 fellows shall form a quorum and for the meeting of the Executive Committee,1/3 of the members shall constitute a quorum. If no quorum is formed within an hour after the time scheduled for the meeting, the meeting shall be adjourned by the fellows present to a later time or sine die.
- Attendance Book: The National Secretary shall keep an attendance book which shall be signed by members attending the meeting.
- The business proposed by Fellows: Any Fellow wishing an item of business to be considered at any meeting shall send to the National Secretary in time, a written notice stating the nature of that business. Such items shall be placed before the house.
- Voting/Elections
- The Fellow must be in good financial standing
- Fellow aspiring for National Chairman must have been fellow for at least 20years
- Fellows aspiring for National Secretary and National Treasurer must have been fellows for at least 10 years
- Fellows aspiring for National office must have held the office of chapter faculty Chairman or Secretary
- Fellows aspiring for National office must have attended and participated fully in at least FIVE Chapter AGSM and at least THREE College AGSM
Eligibility for election into the Chapter Faculty Office:
- The fellow must be in Good Financial standing
- To be elected as a Chapter Faculty Chairman, the Fellow must be at least 10 years as a Fellow, have attended and participated fully in at least FIVE Chapter AGSM and THREE College AGSM
- To be elected as a Chapter Faculty Secretary, the Fellow must be at least 7 years as a Fellow, have attended and participated fully in at least FOUR chapter AGSM and TWO College AGSM
- To be elected as a Council representative, the Fellow must be at least 10 years as a Fellow, preferably must have held a Chapter Faculty office. He must have attended at least FIVE chapters AGSM and THREE College AGSM
- Voting shall be by show of hands or secret ballot as the National Chairman and Vice-President of the College may direct. Election of officers shall be by secret ballot. The National Chairman and Vice-President of the College shall have a casting vote.
- Minutes: Adopted minutes of meetings shall be kept in a record in the safe custody of the National Secretary, and shall be open to inspection of any Fellow.
- Distinguished Fellowship Award: This will be conferred on deserving Fellows as recommended by Exco and approved by the AGM.
- Amendments: These standing orders may be amended from time to time, as necessary.